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"HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS Oh, your head hasn't exploded yet? This should do it. H9RBS.js (v0.0001) is a flexible, dependency-free, lightweight, device-agnostic, modular, baked-in, component framework MVC library shoelacestrap to help you kickstart your responsive CSS-based app architecture backbone kitch" "Frequently Axed Questions 1. Why did you create H9RBS.js? H9RBS.js isn't your granddad's framework. I think that just about sums it up. Also, it's cross-universe compatible. 2. How do I install this? Um... are you stupid or something? Just attackclone the grit repo pushmerge, then rubygem the lymphnode js shawarma module – and presto! 3. Does this work in IE6 Mobile Blackberry Wi-Fi Commodore64 KitchenAid Caveman extended fingernails toejam 2.0? Yep. 4. Can I install it as a nodegem? It works in RubeGoldberg 2.2 but will not autocompile freeway buttmonkey merge svn commitshare javahunk. 5. Can it app appify my app-friendly iPad appification? Don't worry, be appy. 6. Is it compatible with GridSASS 3.8? Does a bear have regular bowel movements in the cool breeze of a grassy woodland area? 7. This isn't funny. That's not a question. And yes, it is funny." #open_source #funny #geeky #web_development #satire #web_2.0 #jokes #html5 #frontend_development #pub