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dotjs is a Google Chrome extension that executes JavaScript files in ~/.js based on their filename basically like greasemonkey, but easier/better to use #development #interesting #github #code #javascript #userscript #browser #extension #chrome #web #pub
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"gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions that are traditionally performed via the mouse. Some of these are radically more efficient than using a mouse, some not so much. In all cases, they are mostly meant for keyboard and command line lovers." #browser_extension #Safari #vim #keyboard_centric #shortcuts #keyboard_shortcuts #browser_extensions #chrome #unique_spin #productivity_porn #productivity #efficiency #utilities #from #delicious #pub
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Why isn't it possible to just right click and download. #Google #annoyances #butthurt #walled_garden #not_open #tiny_issue #chrome #excuses #pub
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"Extension to allow editing and fast reloading of local files from Chrome developer tools The idea behind Tincr is that you can save changes to your original source file from within Chrome Developer Tools. In addition, Tincr does auto-reloading of JavaScript and CSS changes made in other editors. To give you a complete illustration, let's say you're developing a Ruby on Rails web application. You would select "Ruby on Rails" in the dropdown on the Tincr panel and then select the local directory of your rails application. Once you've done that, Tincr knows enough about how a RoR application is structured that if you made a change inside of Chrome Developer Tools, it would be saved to the local file equivalent. If you made a change to an application script or stylesheet using TextMate or some other tool, the change would automatically be reloaded in Chrome without refreshing the whole page." #livereload #alternatives #css #chrome #code #web_development #real_time #pub
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"Emmet LiveStyle is a plugin for live bi-directional (editor↔browser) CSS editing of new generation. Currently, it works in Google Chrome, Safari and Sublime Text, more browsers and editors will be available later." #livereload #alternatives #css #chrome #Safari #sublime #code #web_development #real_time #pub
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" Our extension was removed from the Chrome WebStore. We are releasing it as a packed extension here. Follow this instructions or this video to learn how to add it to Chrome. Grooveshark Downloader is the easiest way to download songs from Grooveshark directly to your computer. You can download any song on Grooveshark, with multiple simultaneous downloads. No ads, no delays, no tricks. Just click and download high quality mp3 files. Install Grooveshark Downloader now and start downloading your favorite songs for free!" #chrome #extensions #grooveshark #downloaders #pub
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#IFTTT #mindfulness #web_apps #browser_extensions #Safari #chrome #discipline #focus #productivity_porn #freemium #ideas #copy_but_simple #pub
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#Safari #chrome #!TO_TAG_bit_more #block_sites #discipline #browser_extensions #homepages #pub
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Browser extension that puts Reddit comments, in your YouTube videos! #reddit #useful #APIs #youtube #!TO_TAG_bit_more #Safari #@mnfh #chrome #extensions #@irc #pub
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Better Historyfor Chrome
Better History is an extension for Chrome that replaces the default history page. For an explanation of the permissions that it requires,click hereGroup by DomainsMultiple visits to the same domain #extensions #chrome #%product_hunt #pub
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#pinboard #addons #neat #browser_extensions #Safari #chrome #pub
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Good to be able to see the latest current versions #$AFMA #$afma-v #references #dev #lists #chrome #pub
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OmahaProxy - Google Chrome
#chrome #lists #references #$AFMA #$afma-v #pub
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Their ad seems good. Too good. #deals #coupons #not_vetted #extensions #chrome #%product_hunt #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #bookmarked_on_site #%stack_overflow #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #%quora #pub
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$$running_multiple_chromes_on_mac #chrome #dev #workflows #issues #advanced #superusers #pub
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Cool, can attach to an open Chrome browser. Though I don't necessarily see how this is much better than opening a browser with Watir first and messing with the browser then? #dev #webdriver #chrome #tidbits #blog_posts #helpful #pub
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#VPNs #firefox_extension #extensions #chrome_extensions #chrome #iOS #android #cross-platform #openVPN #$current_customer #pub
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