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#apps #browser_extensions #free #github #project_management #add-ons #freemium #SaaS #chrome_extension #pub
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_Only a Chrome extension right now - why not better labeled on the page? The "Get it now" says so, but still."

Pomello turns your Trello cards into Pomodoro® tasks. It stays on top of your windows to help you stay focused on the task at hand. "The best laid plans of mice and men / Often go awry"
 Even with the best To-Do List apps out there, it's far too easy to get distracted by videos of sneezing pandas or sleeping otters holding hands. Pomello helps you stay focused and on track to achieve your day-to-day tasks or life-changing dreams. #unique_spin #chrome_extension #pomodoro #copycopy #task_management #browser_extensions #trello #ideas #focus #API_driven #integration #productivity_techniques #pub
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"Supercharge your API workflow Build, test, and document your APIs faster. More than a million developers already do." #beta #!TO_TAG #unsure #APIs #SaaS #browser_extensions #freemium #utilities #chrome_extension #dev #mac #pub
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A time tracker #pomodoro #web_apps #chrome_extension #browser_extensions #!TO_TAG #pub
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Pretty cool idea. Open source syncing of different reddit mobile apps, chrome, firefox extension, greasemonkey script, and then you can use the API to do your own stuff.

Not exclusive to this at all. Really sucky that so few things have desktop Safari or IE extensions. I know serious user base of both browsers are much smaller, but still :/ #unique_spin #chrome_extension #APIs #reddit #$built_off_a_sapp #syncing #copymaybe #browser_extensions #open_source #firefox_extension #ideas #integration #interesting #pub
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StackEye Chrome Extension #social_networks #chrome_extension #open_source #!TO_TAG_bit #add-ons #toread #pub
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Dewey is a Chrome app for tagging, searching and sorting your Chrome bookmarks. With Dewey you can add custom tags, screenshots of your bookmarks, and search and sort in a much smarter and faster way #social_bookmarking #browser_extensions #bookmarking #chrome_extension #!TO_TAG #pub
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Awesome screenshot
#!TO_TAG_bit_more #browser_extensions #Safari #yearly #copy_hm #cheap #freemium #chrome_extension #ideas #pub
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#annotations #code_intelligence #$AFMA #startups #interesting #unique_spin #bookmarklets #browser_extensions #chrome_extension #pub
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#read_it_later #services #SaaS #iOS #browser_extensions #Dropbox_Apps #dropbox #chrome_extension #free #social_bookmarking #lists #pub
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#SaaS #freemium #chrome_extension #browser_extensions #addons #gmail #email #unique_spin_slightly #ideas #copycopy #copy_future #notifications #organization #control #management #pub
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#$AFMA_umbrella #$kippt_bookmark #site_technology_analyzer #chrome_extension #free #pub
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