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awful status quo circle jerk #patterns_insufferable_tech_douches* #bootlickers #EA #i_am_smart_patterns #patterns_i_am_righteous #circlejerk #status_quo #toread
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#funny #geeky #linkbait #easy #steal #idea #web2.0 #SEO #website #tech #circlejerk #pub
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A prime example of how bad tech "journalism" is. Half of this article is basically PR writing. And so a lot of that ends up being wrong or too puffy. Like where they say it is like whatsapp when this app is nothing like whatsapp at all. #circlejerk #bullshit #journalism #tech #pub
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Seeing the bubble of a community. Thread filled with people talking about the grading scale, hype, need of good reviews for gaming as if it's unique to the industry. As if movies, music, and to a lesser extent, TV and books, even app stores don't have similar issues. #bubble #circlejerk #pub
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"George Orwell's Prelude on Politics Is The Mind Killer" #politics #essay #George_Orwell #nationalism #circlejerk #society #pub
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#BS #greedy #selfish #circlejerk #pub
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#butthurt #circlejerk #Facebook #Srs #pub
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People acting like the anti-Avatar and pro-Avengers/Endgame circle jerk isn’t as alive as it is. While this thread itself shows the hypcrisy and circle jerk is alive and well. They just lost with Avatar remaining biggest box office success so they can’t be as upfront about it. But comments still show. #circlejerk #annoying #pub
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