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Comments are so silly. A few years of age doesn’t matter if you hit with the QB as top tier. Waiting 1-2 years isn’t so bad. But really the age thing is so overblown. Hitting on the QB is way way way more important.

#sports #nfl #people-not-intuitive #comments

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#best_of #Zoomers #open_source #dev #matrix #comments #toread #pub
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I think these are the comments I read in February where some common text mining apps/scripts were mentioned #mining #nlp #analysis #web_apps #SaaS #Data #text #API #comments #discussion #web_2.0 #pub
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#references #EDM #music #electronic #links #discussions #comments #pub
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"Do you believe that your past determines your future? This is not an idle question of philosophical theory. To the extent that you belive that the past determines the future, you will tend to allow yourself to be a passive vessel that does not actively change its course. Such beliefs are responsible for magnifying many people's inertia. Perhaps, ironically, the ideology behind those beliefs was laid down by the three great geniuses of the nineteenth century: Darwin, Marx, and Freud." From Authentic Happiness by Dr. Seligman. #philosophy #less_wrong #fatalism #determinism #comments #discussions #pub
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Gems like "Liberals have no morals, no ethics, no dignity and lying is what they do best. To prove their radical ideology they will LIE." #funny #butthurt #republicans #comments #profiles #pub
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highest karma comments. Some aren't even that good. #$kippt_bookmark #moi #own #profiles #skinnymuch #karma #comments #pub
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highest karma comments. Some aren't even that good. #$kippt_bookmark #moi #own #profiles #skinnymuch #karma #comments #pub
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highest karma comments. Some aren't even that good. #$kippt_bookmark #moi #own #profiles #skinnymuch #karma #comments #pub
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