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Bind any Windows application to a specific interface or IP address" "ForceBindIP is a freeware Windows application that will inject itself into another application and alter how certain Windows socket calls are made, allowing you to force the other application to use a specific network interface / IP address. This is useful if you are in an environment with multiple interfaces and your application has no option to bind to a specific interface."

#windows #free #hacking #dev #cli #cybersecurity

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"No Starch Press and I have decided to release this free ebook version of Hacking the Xbox in honor of Aaron Swartz. As you read this book, I hope that you’ll be reminded of how important freedom is to the hacking community and that you’ll be inclined to support the causes that Aaron believed in. I agreed to release this book for free in part because Aaron’s treatment by MIT is not unfamiliar to me. In this book, you will find the story of when I was an MIT graduate student, extracting security keys from the original Microsoft Xbox. You’ll also read about the crushing disappointment of receiving a letter from MIT legal repudiating any association with my work, effectively leaving me on my own to face Microsoft." #aaron_swartz #hacking #rebellion #mit #formal_education #bullshit #unfair #deceptive #pub
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"A powerful and stable keyboard customizer for OS X." #apps #mac #utilities #geeky #hacking #power_users #keyboard_centric #pub
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#Snapchat #best_of #APIs #hacking #scraping #rare #open_source #%on_github #python #javascript #nodejs #npm #pub
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#Snapchat #best_of #APIs #hacking #scraping #rare #open_source #%on_github #bookmarked_on_site #pub
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#twitter #best_of #APIs #hacking #scraping #rare #open_source #bookmarked_on_site #python #pub
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#twitter #best_of #APIs #hacking #scraping #rare #open_source #bookmarked_on_site #shell #not_vetted #pub
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No clue if this does video too. Window app needing .Net Framework 4.6 and whatever Gecko is, is lame. Haven't tried with Wine. #twitter #APIs #hacking #scraping #rare #open_source #bookmarked_on_site #C# #windows #apps #pub
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Does the Twitter feed really bottom out around 800 tweets? That's nothing. Wtf... #twitter #APIs #hacking #scraping #rare #open_source #bookmarked_on_site #C# #windows #apps #screen_scraping #pub
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#jailbreaking #ssh #hacking #tweaks #tutorials #references #iOS_10 #pub
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#jailbreaking #ssh #hacking #tweaks #tutorials #references #iOS_10 #pub
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#jailbreaking #ssh #hacking #tweaks #tutorials #references #iOS_10 #pub
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#iOS #tips #tutorials #hacking #iOS_10 #issues #jailbreaking #pub
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iTunes on MacOS 10.14 1. Use AppDelete to delete iTunes 2. Download 12.6.5 3. Open the dmg file, use Pacifist to open Install iTunes.pkg and install iTunes 4. If you have opened iTunes 12.9, replace iTunes Library.itl with the last saved version from Previous iTunes Libraries 5. Enjoy iTunes with AppStore! You will need to first disable SIP, then sudo rm -rf (the 12.9 version), and then finally extract (only) from the 12.6 installer. AppDelete alone is not sufficient to remove iTunes. #iOS #Instructions #hacking #pub

there were other advantages of remaining on iTunes 12.6 which is that you could always 'downgrade' an app if you didn't like an updated version. Did... #code #applescript #dev #Instructions #pub
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