Public Notes
#iOS #sideloading #toread
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The Spaceroom
#jailbreaking #iOS_14 #repos #iOS #pub
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Max Klein
Hacker News profile at Says multiple apps he has make more than $1K a month
#developer #development #inspiration #multiple #apps #iOS #app #store #prolific #hacker #money #slinging #pub
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Traffic Apps Galore
The last thirty days have been exciting exciting times for my burgeoning traffic app empire. In July I ported Tennessee Traffic Advisor to Georgia and Alabama. Yesterday saw further expansion into the great states of Michigan and Utah.
What a great idea - basically professional/app/mobile market spamming and jamming
#spambutnotspam #idea #steal #work #spammy #blog #post #mobile #apps #iOS #@lazar #toread #pub
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Jonathan Ive interview: simplicity isn't simple - Telegraph
#apple #minimalism #simplicity #simple #wisdom #tech #celebrity #design #ux #ui #iOS #iMac #iPad #iPod #iPhone #success #ship #pub
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Pushover: Home
Made by a Hacker News member. He just charges the initial cost of the app, under $5 as a one-time fee and then everything else is free [for now]. As long as you don't abuse, he lets you freely use API and/or use as many pushes as you want. You can pay the $5 for other people via application. Guessing this gives it like normal, so it'll be for whatever platform.
#growl #syncing #push #mobile #iOS #android #notifications #hacker #news #member #$kippt_bookmark_lists #push_notifications #apps #mobile_apps #web_apps #APIs #API_driven #ecosystems #SaaS #pub
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TextOne - simple smartphone to smartphone messaging
A mobile messaging app that is not only natively for webOS, but also on FB as an app (along with Android and iOS obviously)
#webos #app #smartphone #mobile #messaging #iOS #android #Facebook #underdog #pub
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telekinesis - Remotely access your Mac through a collection of mini web apps on your phone - Google Project Hosting
#pr0n #productivity #faux #iOS #mac #remote #control #geeky #scripting #pub
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Greplin's pivot.
#czarrar #index #data #mining #web #2.0 #iOS #pivot #startup #geeky #pub
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Crunch app - Extract the resource files of iOS applications. Easily.
All of this can be easily done on your own, however the separating of iPhone/iPod Touch, iPad, and universal. I know iTunes does that, but hopefully this lets me quickly put them all in different directories.
#overly #pricey #mac #app #age #of #store #iOS #sleek #web #2.0 #pub
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aTV Flash (black) | FireCore
#interesting #hack #geeky #product #jailbreaking #iOS #apple #tv #black #feature #rich #pub
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Agile Tortoise | Drafts, the quick way to capture and share ideas
"Drafts is the quick, easy way to capture and share ideas on your iPhone or iPod Touch. In Drafts, text comes first – open the app and you always get a new, blank draft. Don't get bogged down in a timeline just to tweet or post to Facebook. Don't tap your way through multiple screens to get down an email or SMS. Don't navigate folders, create files and name them just to jot down a note or create a todo…"Extensive output" __No crack available yet it seems__
#iOS #app #sync #export #things #evernote #thehitlist #store #feature #rich #in-depth #productivity #pr0n #pub
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Notebooks | About
iOS app is decent price around $5 and no crack seems to be available. __From the site: With its unique combination, Notebooks can replace several dedicated apps:__ (1) Note Taker, (2) Text Processor, (3) Markdown Composer, (4) Task Manager, (5) File Storage, (6) Clipboard Manager, (7) PDF Converter
#iOS #app #sync #export #things #evernote #store #feature #rich #in-depth #productivity #pr0n #plain #text #pub
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Code Pilot - Fast Project Navigation For Xcode
Code Pilot is an Xcode plugin which lets you woosh through your code and save a lot (and we mean a lot) of your time. What it does is enhance Xcode by adding swift navigation through files and other parts of your project, integrate seamlessly with your IDE and guess what’s on your mind immediately after you type just a few characters.
#xcode #IDE #plugin #hack #productivity #Software #development #geeky #iOS #pub
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PubNub: Pricing
#push #cloud #SaaS #freemium #websockets #messaging #development #iOS #android #api #realtime #pub
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Remove Launch Daemons To Increase Speed, Battery Life, Disk Space On iOS |
#jailbreaking #daemons #annoying #geeky #anal #sysadmin #iOS #unix #pub
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Welcome to - Create your Free Cydia Repository, Follow Cydia Developers and more
#steal #aaS #hosting #cydia #repository #jailbreaking #iOS #free #whitehat #freemium #donations #pub
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Custom UI Controls for iOS and Mac OS X - Cocoa Controls
#linkbait #list #curated #directory #Software #development #mac #iOS #freemium #steal #pub
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"Hate waiting on hold? Then don't!"
_Never wait on hold for companies_
#free #service #convenient #SaaS #steal #linkbait #app #iOS #android #mobile #pub
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"Nitron is an opinionated, loosely-coupled set of RubyMotion components designed to accelerate iOS development, especially with simpler iOS apps. It provides meaningful abstractions atop the strong foundation present in the iOS SDK.
This first release focuses on making Storyboard-based workflows enjoyable."
#rubymotion #iOS #Software #development #pub
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"Make your iOS apps work in the browser.
Use it to...
Embed full product demos on your site.
Let your support team do their job without iPhones.
Demo apps without the UDID hassle.
Give sales demos to prospective customers."
#iOS #geeky #SaaS #opensource #pub
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#iOS #xcode #software #development #pub
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Indie Shuffle
Seems like a good site to find indie-indie bands
#indie #discovery #music #@to_use #starred #apps #android #iOS #toread #pub
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URL Schemes - handleOpenURL: Shared Interapp Communication on iOS
The application url schemes to go directly to apps or specific parts of an app on iOS
#iOS #pub
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evad3rs are "@pimskeks @planetbeing @pod2g @MuscleNerd"
#iOS #jailbreaking #iOS6 #pub
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