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An example of the common argument made of if most people don't mind possibly immoral behaviour, then it's not really bad... #self-entitled #elitist #douche #ad #blocking #adblock #fallacy #ethics #morals #pub
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"Mylan Engel wrote a fantastic paper (albeit about childhood starvation) about how we are in fact morally obligated to donate to relief funds based on (in his words) beliefs we already hold. I highly recommend it. "Hunger, Duty and Ecology: On What We Owe Starving Human Beings" #morals #poor #needy #charity #pub
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Include tracking "sex offenders" #not_nice #ethics #morals #Latitude #alternatives #location_based_services #location_tracking #mobile #iOS #android #blackberry #freemium #pub
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#BS #IPOs #disingenuous #i_am_benevolent_pattern #money #morals #not_evil #pub
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A lot of people are basically saying it is fine to post a mocking photo of someone if they are just ugly or for any "non-serious" reason. As if mocking someone if they are disabled is the only reason not to do it. Mean-spirited things like this are mean-spirited in all circumstances. #bullying #contrary_to_common_stuff #morals #kindness #pub
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"As online advertising becomes ever more ubiquitous and unsanctioned, AdNauseam works to complete the cycle by automating Ad clicks universally and blindly on behalf of its users. Built atop uBlock Origin, AdNauseam quietly clicks on every blocked ad, registering a visit on ad networks' databases. As the collected data gathered shows an omnivorous click-stream, user tracking, targeting and surveillance become futile." #ad_blocking #unique_spin #ethics #morals #bullshit #patterns_insufferable_tech_douches* #browser_extensions #i_am_not_spam_i_am_professional_pattern #i_am_benevolent_but_screw_you_youre_a_dick_pattern #pub
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tag with pattern of spamb ut not spam. Also piracy is okay but other sorts of things aren't. cherry pick what fits you. #$tag_related #homebrew_cask #morals #not_moral #pub
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