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Our political system is breaking down. Now it has killed.


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Survey shows 66 percent of Jewish teens in US say they sympathise with the Palestinian people

#hfc #lmtv #palestine #politics #data #evidence

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Critics, including Rep. Ritchie Torres, say that Piker is emblematic of a much deeper problem at the Amazon-owned platform

#hasanabi #haters #bullshit #politics #palestine

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#sigmarulememes, #alpha, #finance, #andrewtate, #redpill, #entrepreneur, #motivation, #fitnessmotivation, #riseandgrind, #grind, #sigmamindset, #grindset, #m...

#entrapranure #funny #politics #leftism

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#sigmarule, #alpha ,#finance ,#andrewtate ,#redpill ,#entrepreneur ,#motivation #fitnessmotivation ,#riseandgrind ,#grind ,#sigmamindset ,#grindset ...

#entrapranure #satire #class_consciousness #class #marxism #leftism #politics #deep #hilarious #funny

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Ethan Couch - Wikipedia

Couch was indicted on four counts of intoxication manslaughter for recklessly driving under the influence. In December 2013, Judge Jean Hudson Boyd sentenced Couch to ten years of probation, subsequently ordering him to undergo therapy at a long term inpatient facility.[6] Before sentencing, Couch's attorneys had argued that Couch had "affluenza" and needed rehabilitation instead of prison, arguing that Couch had no understanding of boundaries as his affluent parents had never given him any.[7] Couch's sentence, judged by many as outrageously lenient, set off what The New York Times called "an emotional, angry debate that has stretched far beyond the North Texas suburbs".[8]

#politics #best_of

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Right Wing HOG asks Harvard Students who are they voting for… and Gets DESTROYED | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: 06/06/2024 Stream

Hasanabi or Hasan Piker, is a Turkish American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He frequently covers the news and recent political changes from a socialist perspective. He occasionally also plays a wide variety of games, reacts to the latest non political news and checks his own community's memes on his subreddit.

Hasan's Twitch:

Hasan's Twitter:

Hasan's Youtube:

#hasanabi #twitch #comedy #clips #hasanreactstoo #highlights #hasanpiker #hasandaiy #politics #fundraiser #fundraising #creatorsforpalestine #hasanabidaily #hasnabiclips #hasanabidaily

#harvard #students #rightwing #elections #elections2024 #bidenvstrump. | Published at: June 6, 2024 at 11:11PM.

#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Democracy: The Tyranny of the Majority. | Description: And capitalism is a tyranny of the minority. with #HasanAbi

#politics #USPolitics #HasanPiker. | Published at: May 25, 2024 at 08:31PM.

#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Dave Smith Destroys Chris Cuomo on PBD Podcast Debat | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: Hasanabi reacts to Chris Cuomo vs Dave Smith Debate: COVID 19, Mandates & Trump's Guilty Verdict PBD Podcast.

02-/06/2024 Stream

Hasanabi or Hasan Piker, is a Turkish American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He frequently covers the news and recent political changes from a socialist perspective. He occasionally also plays a wide variety of games, reacts to the latest non political news and checks his own community's memes on his subreddit.

Hasan's Twitch:

Hasan's Twitter:

Hasan's Youtube:

#hasanabi #twitch #comedy #clips #hasanreactstoo #highlights #hasanpiker #hasandaiy #politics #fundraiser #fundraising #creatorsforpalestine #hasanabidaily #hasnabiclips #hasanabidaily #funny #debate #pbdpodcast #covid19. | Published at: June 2, 2024 at 06:54PM.

#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Alex Jones BREAKS INTO TEARS for being forced to sell his ranch to pay legal bills | Hasanabi Reacts. | Description: Hasanabi Reacts to Alex Jones breaks into tears.


Hasanabi or Hasan Piker, is a Turkish American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He frequently covers the news and recent political changes from a socialist perspective. He occasionally also plays a wide variety of games, reacts to the latest non political news and checks his own community's memes on his subreddit.

Hasan's Twitch:

Hasan's Twitter:

Hasan's Youtube:

#hasanabi #twitch #comedy #clips #hasanreactstoo #highlights #hasanpiker #hasandaiy #politics #fundraiser #fundraising #creatorsforpalestine #hasanabidaily #hasnabiclips #hasanabidaily #funny #alexjones. | Published at: June 2, 2024 at 06:22PM.

#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: When do we revolt?. | Description: #anticapitalism #socialism #communism #antipoverty #lpc #cpc #canada #politics #cdnpoli #ndp. | Published at: October 27, 2022 at 04:54PM.

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“Didn’t he also lecture a Cuban born reporter on why Castro was a good guy or something like that-I vaguely remember an awkward press conference with the Miami thing”

Yeah because being Cuban suddenly means you know shit. Silly libs

#liberals #reactionaries #vibes-based #moi_comments #politics

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#streamers #leftism #Palestine #free-palestine #fun #politics #best_of #compilations

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#Palestine #free-palestine #fun #politics #leftism #streamers

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#free-palestine #Palestine #fun #politics #leftism #streamers

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#leftism #free-palestine #Palestine #politics #fun #streamers

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#hasanabi #streamers #leftism #Palestine #free-palestine #fun #politics

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Modern Slavery: The Cruelty of Angola. | Description: America’s carceral state doesn’t rehabilitate and sets the released for failure. with #gremloe

Tags: #news #politics #USpolitics #Angola #Louisiana #PrisonReform. | Published at: March 12, 2024 at 02:23AM.

#%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed

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