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Home | Drifting Ruby
#ruby #dev #free* #rails #screencasts #tutorials #videos #web_development #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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30-day, hassle-free money back guarantee For aspiring senior developers looking for battle-tested best practices, a killer community, and mentorship from the right people. #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #ruby #dev #rails #freemium #price:$30 #monthly #communities #tutorials #money_back_guarantee #videos #*nix #iOS #version_control #vim #tmux #javascript #testing #test_driven_development #pub
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#$AFMA_umbrella #dev #screencasts #tutorials #databases #search_engines #full_text_search #ruby #gems #pub
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can download all at once and cancel #$check_more #$check_out_FOR_SURE #SaaS #cheapish #trial #screencasts #guides #tutorials #superusers #geeky #apple_ecosystem #pub
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Watch and Code®
#tutorials #paid #SaaS #trial #javascript #dev #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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7 day trial #deals #dev #javascript #learning #screencasts #pub
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$19/mo vs $29/mo #deals #dev #javascript #learning #screencasts #pub
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Prob want to do this a bit later. Takes about 3 hours according to them #javascript #learning #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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Prob want to do this later. Prob takes a number of hours. #javascript #learning #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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Not much here that's specifically just JS. Only a few things #javascript #learning #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #lists #pub
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This would just be a cursory look since it def won't take the 4-5 hours it says. Pretty basic. #javascript #learning #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #tutorials #basic_stuff #courses #pub
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Can do this a bit later. Says 6 to 8 hours, but should be quicker. #javascript #learning #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #tutorials #courses #pub
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Says 6-8 hours, but will prob take a bit less. #javascript #learning #screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #tutorials #lists #courses #pub
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