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Funding 1% to existing shareholders to sell their bag while getting a $29B valuation is hilarious. Why was it ever started as a non-profit? What BS. Sam Altman keeps getting to fail upward and be unethical. Before it was a $14B valuation. I am guessing Microsoft doesn’t get any stake in the for-profit part. Only the deals they made to comingle when they gave $1B. #tech_companies #silicon_valley #silicon_valley_culture #patterns_insufferable_tech_douches* #AI #valuations #funding #toread
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"The traitorous eight are eight men who left Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in 1957. William Shockley had in 1956 recruited a group of young PhD graduates with the goal to develop and produce new semiconductor devices. While Shockley had received a Nobel Prize in Physics and was an experienced researcher and teacher, his managing of the group created harsh working conditions.[note 1] He chose a strategy for circuit design that failed and created an intolerable working atmosphere.[note 2] The group of PhD graduates hired demanded that Shockley be replaced. When their demands were rebuffed, they realized they had to leave. Shockley described their leaving as a "betrayal". The eight who left Shockley Semiconductor were Julius Blank, Victor Grinich, Jean Hoerni, Eugene Kleiner, Jay Last, Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and Sheldon Roberts. In August 1957 they reached an agreement with Sherman Fairchild and on September 18, 1957 they formed Fairchild Semiconductor. The newly founded Fairchild Semiconductor soon grew into a leader of the semiconductor industry. In 1960 it became an incubator of Silicon Valley, and was directly or indirectly involved in the creation of dozens of corporations such as AMD and Intel.[1] These many spin-off companies came to be known as "Fairchildren"."

BOSS! #history #boss #tech #silicon_valley #inspirational #foundation #$kippt_bookmark #$hustlers #research #geeky #hobbies #toread #pub
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Closest to modern Traitorous eight. Heh. Cool to know about. #history #boss #research #tech #hobbies #geeky #silicon_valley #inspirational #foundation #$kippt_bookmark #$hustlers #toread #pub
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#from:DONote #from:phablet #unicorns #startups #lists #guiltypleasures #best_of #funding #money #silicon_valley #tech_companies #valuations #my_porn #pub
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#brown #role_models #silicon_valley #VC #dev #developers #%wiki #boss #pub
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"The cache of emails shared with Newsweek date between 2014 and 2016, and included 67 sent from Microsoft, 63 sent from Amazon email accounts and dozens more sent from some of Seattle’s premier tech companies and others based elsewhere but with offices in Seattle, including T-Mobile and Oracle, as well as many local, smaller tech firms. The men who sent the emails have not been charged, and Newsweek is not identifying them. Authorities have seized records from only a fraction of the area’s hundreds of brothels and illicit massage parlors. A law enforcement source familiar with the cases says the emails reflect just a tiny percentage of the business tech sector men bring to brothels with names like Golden Blossom, AsianCandy777 and 7HeavenofAsia. Authorities also say that trafficked Asian women service hundreds of men each day in Seattle." #@@bman #silicon_valley #culture #society #fucked_up #sex_trade #pub
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CB Insights and The New York Times team up to spot high-momentum startups. #unicorns #tech_companies #my_porn #lists #valuations #startups #funding #silicon_valley #best_of #guiltypleasures #pub
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Our market map highlights which markets boast the most private companies with billion-dollar valuations. #unicorns #lists #my_porn #valuations #startups #tech_companies #funding #silicon_valley #best_of #guiltypleasures #pub
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As Google nears 200 M&A deals since its YouTube acquisition back in 2006, we visualize the tech giant's top 10 acquisitions. #startups #acquisitions #lists #funding #valuations #best_of #guiltypleasures #my_porn #google #tech_companies #tech_giants #silicon_valley #unicorns #toread #pub
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Top Startup Exits
A real-time update of billion-dollar VC-backed exits. #funding #startups #acquisitions #unicorns #valuations #silicon_valley #lists #best_of #tech_companies #guiltypleasures #my_porn #pub
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Google Acquisitions
A real time update of all of Alphabet/Google's acquisitions. #startups #acquisitions #valuations #funding #lists #best_of #guiltypleasures #my_porn #google #tech_companies #unicorns #silicon_valley #pub
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As Apple nears its its 100th M&A transaction since its acquisition of NeXT Computer in 1996, we visualize the Curpertino-based giant's top acquisitions. #startups #lists #valuations #acquisitions #funding #best_of #guiltypleasures #my_porn #apple #tech_giants #tech_companies #silicon_valley #unicorns #toread #pub
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