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FacebookBot - File: README
_Dead project from many years ago (depends on Hpricot)_ "Facebook Bot is allows for completely automated control of your Facebook profile. FacebookBot allows you to destroy or improve Facebook via: Posting Profile Pictures Tagging Pictures Changing your Status Posting Wall Comments Changing Personal Profile Information Sending and Reading Private Messages Joining Groups Adding Friends A system for generating random sentences (rather simply) And much more…" #spamjam #Facebook #bots #ruby #gems #open_source #code #pub
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"threadify.rb makes it stupid easy to process a bunch of data using 'n' worker threads" #ruby #threads #automation #badass #gems #pub
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"forkify.rb makes it easy to process a bunch of data using 'n' worker processes. It is based off of forkoff and threadify by Ara Howard. It aims to be safe to use on Ruby 1.8.6+ and Ruby 1.9.1+" #ruby #gems #threads #automation #badass #pub
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"June 24, 2009 I’m happy to announce the release of another tiny Ruby gem, Forkify. Forkify is basically Ara Howard’s Threadify (minus a few features), but instead of using threads, it uses fork to create multiple processes to perform the operations on an Enumerable type. It was born out of the desire to have the forkoff gem work on Ruby 1.9.1 (which it isn’t currently)." #ruby #gems #descriptions #introductions #threads #automation #badass #pub
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"Faker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc." #ruby #gems #Data #generation #pub
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"A Problem: It's harder than absolutely easy to make meaningful, simple, data for testing and development. A Solution: A fake data generator that provides not only a host of basics and a rememberable syntax, but a customizable library to boot. Welcome to Forgery, an excellent solution to a problem so hard you didn't know it was there." #ruby #gems #Data #generation #pub
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"Provides methods for generating random test data including names, mailing addresses, dates, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and text. Now, ruby 1.9 compatible. " #ruby #gems #Data #generation #pub
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"random_phrase generates a random phrase from phrase list. The code is heavily based off [randexp] but allows you to load your word list via custom loaders instead of only supporting your users dictionary." #ruby #gems #Data #generation #specialized #pub
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"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #ruby #gems #requests #fake #testing #Sandbox #pub

"FakeS3 is a lightweight server that responds to the same calls Amazon S3 responds to. It is extremely useful for testing of S3 in a sandbox environment without actually making calls to Amazon, which not only require network, but also cost you precious dollars." #amazon #S3 #ruby #gem #web #development #testing #pub
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#funny #ruby #gems #development #Joke #pub
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"HTTPI provides a common interface for Ruby’s most popular HTTP clients: - HTTPClient - Curb - Net::HTTP As of version 2, HTTPI supports EventMachine: - EM-HTTP-Request (also requires EM-Synchrony)" #ruby #gems #http #libraries #web_development #wrappers #pub
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"Simple, efficient message processing for Ruby. What if 1 Sidekiq process could do the work of 20 Resque or DelayedJob processes?" #gems #ruby #resque #background_jobs #pub
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"Integrate socialite.js into Ruby on Rails. check} The javascript source is vendorized in a seperate gem called socialite_js-source Use that if you want the javascript files and want to integrate yourself Doing that will save you from managing the javascript files manually Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'socialite_js'" #Javascript #gems #ruby #wrappers #social_media #buttons #sharing #rails #pub
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HTTParty by jnunemaker
Requirements multi_json and multi_xml You like to party! #http_clients #http_requests #httparty #http #gems #ruby #party #~ #pub
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Shelly Cloud
"Shelly Cloud was shut down on March 31st, 2016 Shelly Cloud was a Ruby application hosting service that made deployments painless. It gave high speed servers, really simple deployment and full control over the cloud layout. Shelly was easy to use and developer-centric. You could host a full stack application for just €20 per month." #from:Windows_Phone #ruby #gems #pub
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Less popular than Jekyll. The sites that use this are pretty damn sexy (though all look pretty similar) #ruby #gems #static_site_generators #sexy #Javascript #open_source #pub
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"Feedbag is a Ruby library for the auto-discovery of syndicated feeds (RSS/Atom)." _Give it a url and it'll try finding the feed for the site_ #gems #ruby #open_source #parsing #scraping #automation #feeds #pub
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"terminal-notifier is a command-line tool to send Mac OS X User Notifications, which are available in Mac OS X 10.8. It is currently packaged as an application bundle, because NSUserNotification does not work from a ‘Foundation tool’. radar://11956694 The Notification Center always uses the application’s own icon, there’s currently no way to specify a custom icon for a notification. The only way to use this tool with your own icon is to include a build of terminal-notifier with your icon instead. This tool will be used by Kicker to show the status of commands which are executed due to filesystem changes. (v3.0.0) Download Prebuilt binaries, which are code-signed and ready to use, are available from the downloads section. Or if you want to use this from Ruby, you can install it through RubyGems: $ [sudo] gem install terminal-notifier" #gems #notifications #cli #ruby #Mac #pub
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"A lean, agnostic, flexible file-change watcher. Meet king kikker, kicking stuff in your computers is his dream come true! Drawing by Manfred Stienstra. The character is purely fictional, so if you feel offended; live with it. Installation $ gem install kicker -s" #ruby #gems #pub
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"Artoo is a micro-framework for robotics. It provides a simple, but powerful DSL (domain-specific language) for robots and physical computing. With Artoo, you can easily connect multiple, different hardware devices together into a single solution." _Hooks for Arduino, Sphero, AR.Drone, & Roomba (as of July 2013)_ #ruby #gems #robotics #DSL #automation #Arduino #Roomba #Sphero #AR.Drone #pub
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"With this plugin Action Controller parameters are forbidden to be used in Active Model mass assignments until they have been whitelisted. This means you’ll have to make a conscious choice about which attributes to allow for mass updating and thus prevent accidentally exposing that which shouldn’t be exposed. In addition, parameters can be marked as required and flow through a predefined raise/rescue flow to end up as a 400 Bad Request with no effort." #Rails #rails4 #gems #security #ruby #code #MVC #pub
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