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#GOAT #moi_comments #capitalism #contrary_to_moral_capitalist_bs_worship #politics #status_quo #toread
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#GOAT #moi_comments #politics #my_talking_points #status_quo #patterns_simple_neolibs #patterns_simple_incorrect_politics #patterns_so_confident_being_so_wrong #toread
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#GOAT #web_empires #toread
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Share your videos with friends, family, and the world #that_is_my_own_sperm #the_muscular_class #rm_brown #hilarious #GOAT #rm_brown_sound_drop_origins #rm_brown_sound_drops #toread
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Financio-populism is built on dreams and smoke. #via:pins #best_of #GOAT
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A software license towards a world beyond capitalism. #via:pins #best_of #GOAT #best_ever
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Catalyst is a journal of theory and strategy, published by Jacobin Foundation. $20 for first four issues for a year #via:pins #leftists #goat #freemium #editorials #scientific_papers #data #studies #status_quo #paid
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#best_of #deep #GOAT
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Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. #GOAT
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Sindre Sorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer & Aspiring Rebel #GOAT #motivation #indie #indie_makers #makers #pub
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Ausaf Umar Siddiqui
#GOAT #pub
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#GOAT #best_of #toread #pub
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“States' interests matter and should be explicitly represented at the state level. But we're not talking about the state level, we're talking about the federal level. Senators are there to represent the people of their state, and the fact that some people get vastly more representation than others is wrong. People should be as equal as possible for a given playing field. Funny how the people arguing that it's okay to do this to protect 'minorities' are never, ever okay with doing this for any other minorities. Give extra voting power to people in low pop states to shield them from the majority? Great! Give extra votes to black people, or Asians, or Muslims, or Jews? Uhhhhhh, no, no thank you.” #GOAT #rebuttal_of_norms #status_quo #toread #pub
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Join the latest Shuffle room for The Holy Fool Resurfaces #best_of #best_ever #top_lists #$kippt_bookmark_lists #lists #GOAT #mind_fuck #existential #inspo #inspiration #deep #podcasts #episodes #single_items #favs #toread #pub
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#best_of #GOAT #podcasts #existential #fuck #inspo #inspiration #indie #indie_af #unique_spin #mind_fuck #toread #pub
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#best_of #GOAT #podcasts #unique_spin #existential #fuck #inspo #inspiration #mind_fuck #toread #pub
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#podcasts #best_of #best_ever #GOAT #episodes #single_item #$kippt_bookmark_lists #top_lists #deep #existential #favs #toread #pub
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