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Interesting, maybe. Charlie Hoehn posted about it on Twitter. Have to see how long it lasts and if it is any good. #nootropics #@to_look_at #@to_buy #price:$55 #monthly #from #delicious #pub
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Exactly as the title says "Boxoh universal package tracking: UPS, FedEx, USPS, and DHL with RSS and Maps". Super simple interface. Just one text field. And then ads around and some links at the bottom #ideas #copy #copycopy #simple-ish #sites #web_tools #from #delicious #pub
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#aggregation #apps #iOS #Mac #photos #memories #your_memories_apps #social_media #life_tracking #from #delicious #pub
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Yik Yak - Ride the Yak
"Yik Yak is an anonymous social media app. It is available for iOS and Android and it allows people to anonymously create and view posts within a 1.5 mile radius" #startups #geolocation #apps #mobile #social_networks #social_media #unique_spin #hype #messaging #anonymity #from #delicious #pub
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"Pretension The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious." #@harsh #gifts #ideas #funny #motivational #posters #postcards #products #paid #from #delicious #pub
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About Us - The Patriarchy
Got from Slack. "Hello, friendly world-dominating patriarch here! Here you can learn all about us. I am the leader of the famous oppressive organization from the beginning of mankind. We do all kinds of work around the world, such as: Keeping women’s wages low Maintaining and repairing the glass ceiling Ensuring men are always in power Orchestrating all wars and conflicts And many other things! You probably know a proud patriarch somewhere in your life! Remember to thank them for all the hard work they do keeping you oppressed." #satire #@slack #@feminists #funny #from #delicious #pub
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"Somebody broke into my house once, this is a good time to call the police, but mm mm, nope. The house was too nice. It was a real nice house, but they'd never believe I lived in it. They'd be like 'He's still here! [whacks the microphone on the stand] Oh my god. Open and shut case, Johnson. I saw this once when I was a rookie. Apparently this nigger broke in and put up pictures of his family everywhere. Let's sprinkle some crack on him and get out of here.'" #chappelle #standup #funny #comedy #audio #social_commentary #status_quo #racism #from #delicious #pub
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Raised $355M (million) at $5B (billion) valuation. "WeWork’s revenue for December puts it on track to have $150 million in annualized revenue, according the the WSJ." #ballers #companies #revenue #valuations #coworking #startups #funding #from #delicious #pub
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"Mojo Upgrade is an interactive sex questionnaire for couples. We present a list of sexual fantasies to both partners separately and have them indicate their level of interest. After the couple has finished the survey, we compare the answers. If you both gave a positive response to an activity, then we'll share it; if not, we don’t. That way if your partner is not game to watch midget porn with you, they won't know." #sex #relationships #quizzes #interesting #@to_try #@to_recommend #dating #from #delicious #pub
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Didn't I use this tutorial for Mobile Ad Scout? Can't remember now. #git #automation #development #from #delicious #pub
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Such a rip off. LOL. Can't believe this is around for a company owned by such a big hosting company. Def. copy this. #ideas #scamsbutnotscams #crapbutnotcrap #copycopy #seo #SaaS #aaS #services #monthly #from #delicious #pub
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