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Fresh on the heels of a free pass from a befuddled congress after admitting that they are a monopoly, Google’s decision to cloak search query strings under the guise of privacy makes it clear they are doubling down on their abusive, anti-competitive practices....It is complete hypocrisy. #hypocrisy #bigboys #corruption #google #pub
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Earlier this week, Google made a significant change purportedly to better protect the search privacy of users. In reality, it specifically — and deliberately — left a gaping hole open to benefit its bottom line. If you pay-to-play, Google will share its search data with you. #hypocrisy #bigboys #corruption #google #pub
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The blog post that properly initiated Merlin Mann's shifting of gears from the bullshit of 'lifehacks' and 'motivation'. Thank you. #hypocrisy #spambutnotspam #fuckyou #pub
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Seething with anger at this depiction of their ' I'll copy/paste eblume's sole comment for the Hacker News thread: "It seems like the article is reporting that 'the nerds of Silicon Valley are all upset' that rich people are getting rewarded for success in a meritocracy." "First, where are these meetings I've been missing where all the nerds of Silicon Valley get together and decide what they like and what they don't like? I for one did not vote on the Meritocracy Referendum - was this my mistake, or were other nerds disenfranchised in that regional election?" "Put it another way - the youngest generation of rich entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are the children of successful hackers (or at least some of them are)." #elitism #fuckyou #hypocrisy #meritocracy #disingenuous #web2.0 #silicon #valley #pub
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As the subtitle says, "C'mon, we all know you're not really going to delete it.". Or at least almost all these people will move on to another ethically identical product or come back to Instagram in the future. Finally, these people are posting this on Twitter...LOL. And how many have a Facebook account they use more than once a month? of these people #stupidity #lemmings #sheeple #society #outrage #hypocrisy #social #media #twitter #attention #whores #ethics #web2.0 #Facebook #instagram #pub
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Fred Wilson, some VC who is affiliated with Twitter and Foursquare is acting like he gives a damn about ethics. He's working with companies that are just like the companies he is damning. #hypocrisy #disingenuous #lies #elitism #leader #social #media #scum #journalism #pub
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Read & Trust
They say, "Read & Trust is committed to gathering together the best independent writers available—the ones recommended by the writers you read and trust." _A bunch of blogs of the same tech guys that whine about stuff they care about, especially when it will benefit them, to the likes of Google. Their whims are most important!_ #elitism #smug #hypocrisy #leaders #blogs #pr0n #pandering #web2.0 #tech #list #elitist #curated #pub
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Ars Technica started this discussion. Of course they turned douchey and less than a week later went with the "whitelist sites you like" as if doing that is somehow morally just. Blocking ads only on sites you don't give two shits about is a good thing or something? Yes, yes, I'm pulling some red herrings and/or straw-manning here :P #discussion #adblock #advertising #web #douche #hypocrisy #elitism #double #standards #tech #ethics #pub
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Guy basically says he doesn't want rigidness in the form of following 'agile' stuff, but then goes on to say Trello boards and cards have strict rules. Lulz. What a hipster. #agile #productivity #p0rn #trello #project #management #Software #development #hypocrisy #pub
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#linkbait #Social #networking #web #2.0 #hypocrisy #steal #Facebook #stupidity #lemmings #pub
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#linkbait #hypocrisy #Social #media #web #2.0 #steal #pub
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#linkbait #hypocrisy #Social #media #web #2.0 #pub
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#bullshit #hypocrisy #Google #youtube #monopoly #unfair #pub
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The actual article sort of blasting this selling out is weak since it puts the blame mainly on 'the man' and CBS instead of directing more ire toward Gerstmann and Giant Bomb for selling out and back into CBS. Their hypocrisy is incredible. Worse yet, there doesn't seem to be too much caring about this. Just letting this happen without too much boycotting or condemnation. #sellout #douche #hypocrisy #CREAM #cbs #cnet #sheeple #pub
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The hypocrisy of 'liberals' in video is funny, but the 'conservative' commenters don't realize how awful they are either, heh. #stupidity #hypocrisy #politics #pub
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The hypocrisy of 'liberals' in video is funny, but the 'conservative' commenters don't realize how awful they are either, heh. #stupidity #hypocrisy #politics #pub
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