Public Notes
Loading... simple pie chart
pretty ugly and barely any point. just creates an ugly pie chart of your top 25 artists. #data #web_tools #tools #linkbait #analysis #music #fun #not_good #ideas #pub
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Loading... - Artists by time
"This tool takes your username and produces your Top Artists chart sorted by time rather than playcount as in the case of the regular charts." #data #web_tools #tools #linkbait #music #fun #analysis #ideas #pub
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Loading... » scripts » User tag clouds
" tool: Create your personal user tag cloud" #data #web_tools #tools #analysis #music #linkbait #fun #ideas #pub
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Loading... » scripts » Take the super eclectic music test!
" tool: Level 2 of the musical eclectic test!
The following script takes the 50 top artists in your musical profile from, and finds the collection of top 20 similar artists (where the artist itself is the #1 most similar artist) for this top 50. The resulting is a list of artists similar to your preferred artists. As the list is larger (maximum = 1000), your musical preference is more diverse.
As a result, with this test it is harder to get a high score, as compared to the original eclectic test. And because this score goes up to 1000 (and not to confuse it with the orginal "eclectic score"), this test is the "super-eclectic" test!"
#web_tools #data #linkbait #tools #music #fun #analysis #ideas #pub
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Loading... Tools - Dig Deeper
Tools for Graphs, Clouds, Statistics and more.
#web_tools #data #analysis #linkbait #music #fun #tools #ideas #pub
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Loading... Album Of The Year Journal Creator
Not sure if it still works. Seemed too slow?
#web_tools #data #linkbait #analysis #tools #music #fun #ideas #pub
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Long Tail and AEP, Expanding the experience
Documenting page of the webservices utilising musicmapper software to generate cool, new, usefull and real-time stats
"The long and short tail are the percentage of the total amount of tracks played that fall outside and respectivly inside the cummulative tracks played for the top-n rated artists. The short tail is exactly the oposite.
If that's to much to grasp at once: To calculate the Long Tail you take a user's Top50. Calculate the sum of all the playcounts in there. Then divide it by the total amount of tracks played as listed in the user description area. Multiply it by a hundred to get a percentage. Substract it from a hundred to get the short tail. Based on a idea by itazurada.
AEP is the is the brainchild of C26000, he wrote a nice journal about AEP calculation."
#web_tools #data #linkbait #analysis #tools #music #fun #ideas #pub
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Loading... in time, Expanding the experience
"he other day I was looking at the audioscrobbler (the core, the data supply of web services for interesting feeds and I saw the week chart feeds. I noticed that they provide a list of all available weeks and quickly realized that you could combine this with the Top50 feed to reconstruct older Top50's. Just subtract an artists play count from next week's total play count and you have the current total play count.
So I went to work and produced code to perform different task. Collect the Top50, collect all week stats, compare the two and reconstruct a history. This was going goooood. Yeah. Then I took a pencil and made a drawing of what the chart should look like and I loved it. So I created the greatest spaghetti of variables I'd ever seen and uploaded the new script. It was just shock and awe! Except for a syntax error or two It all worked and the output was just as I'd hoped it'd be, except that... The 50 black lines in this tiny little graph were just such a mess, you could never make up what was what. Damn (that spaghetti again)!
I went back to work and added many features, a lot of color to the lines, auto scaling (1px = 1play), a legend in the color of the line and a line that connects the chart-line to the legend and a function to unclutter the legend for artist with the same or almost the same play count (which in turn made the lines harder to interpret but being able to read the legend outweighs clear lines :-P though I'm still looking to solve this...)"
#web_tools #data #linkbait #tools #music #fun #analysis #ideas #pub
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Shikaka Stats -
Random stats like playcount, unique tracks, averages for different time periods, top periods of various times, most consecutive tracks/artists, total play time. And the pic they provide gets auto updated too.
#web_tools #data #analysis #tools #music #fun #linkbait #stats #ideas #favs #pub
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"Come Get Her" - A Track-by-Track Breakdown of Rae Sremmurd's "SremmLife" Album | Complex
The stories behind "Lit Like Bic," "Up Like Trump," "Safe Sex Pay Checks," and more.
"Swae Lee: “Somebody Come Get Her,” every night.
Slim Jimmy: That’s my favorite song of the album. Mike WiLL Made-It. It speaks to all the women when they’re in the club feeling themselves. It’s an uplifting song.
Slim Jimmy: We love the other girls, not our exes.
Swae Lee: You know how the girl is in the club and she’s like wylin' and she’s having a good time.
Slim Jimmy: A girl in the club can never do too much because we’re in the club and we’re wylin' and going ham. I’m getting drunk and high in the club.
Swae Lee: I love the girls knocking over drinks in the club, going crazy. I love it.
Slim Jimmy: I be looking for the girl that’s trying to leave, to be honest.
Swae Lee: [Laughs] It’s like, “If your girl is over here dancing like a stripper, we’re going to come to get her.” So you better come get her. Like, come get your girl she’s dancing like a stripper and we like that.
Swae Lee: We’re real simple, take your girl and go.
Slim Jimmy: This is a no boyfriend zone.
Swae Lee: One time, there was square section, and I think the girl was coming for you, but the dude was right here, and we shook his hand. He liked the music. Sometimes we have to tell the girl like, “You gotta go.”
Slim Jimmy: We love you too, but that’s your boyfriend. It gets too awkward for me."
_Lol, nice_
#quotes #boss #partying #interviews #getting_hyped #funny #hedonism #music #casual_media #pub
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A better way to market music ·
Impress your audience with a stunning online experience built for your music. is the easiest way to run music marketing campaigns online.
#@D #emailing #copymaybe #cheap #music #email_marketing #marketing #SaaS #ideas #pub
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Extra Stats ftw! – Group at
Extra Stats ftw! group has 1448 members at Connected artists include Millencolin, Wilmer X, Torsson. Followers of the shikaka extra stats site:
#analysis #communities #stats #forums #music #favs #linkbait #data #ideas #tools #web_tools #fun #pub
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m0nkiii’s Music Profile – Users at
_Creator of the tools. And has a lot of stats/tools on their profile. Maybe some I don't know about.
#data_mining #geeky #@to_look_at #music #references #personal #quantified_self #pub
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Shikaka Stats | skinny_much
#personal #geeky #data_heaven #music #data_visualization #dataisbeautiful #quantified_self #statistics #fun #pub
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octobersveryown | Free Listening on SoundCloud
!going to be changing role_models to get_to_their_level and/or use both. Drake!!!
#drake #role_models #get_to_their_level #music #boss #pub
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Pain schools the ATL rapper on finer points of the vocal effect.
#wrong #music #sad #pub
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My Complex: Future Talks Auto-Tune, Dumbing Down Music, and Why He's Not a Romantic | Complex
" times, I think, “What would I rather be doing than music?” That’s what you have to ask yourself, if you feel like you need to be somewhere else... But there’s nothing else I want to do more than music. That’s why I stay in the booth. I have a crazy work ethic. I’ll do 20 songs a day. I love music that much. I worked eight years to get where I am. I don’t take anything for granted. I know there are a million and one dudes who are rapping, wishing they were in my shoes."
"When I first used Auto-Tune, I never used it to sing. I wasn’t using it the way T-Pain was. I used it to rap because it makes my voice sound grittier. Now everybody wants to rap in Auto-Tune. Future’s not everybody. The people who are taking my style are like my babies. I’ve got a tribe of kids that want to be like me… But I understand why people want to imitate the things I do. They’re dope. It comes naturally to me. My fans can expect greatness. If I wasn’t me, I would want to be me."
#music #rekt #interviews #pub
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The Day Kanye West Beat 50 Cent | Complex
_My boi!_
On Sept. 11, 2007, two rap heavyweights went head to head in a sales battle and changed hip-hop forever.
"So needless to say when that exchange was interrupted by my cell—with Kanye West and Plain Pat on the other end, asking where the party was at—things started to look up for the kid. To be clear, this was not a normal happening. I’d known Kanye about five years and written about him a half dozen times at that point—some of which he liked, and some of which he didn’t. We’d just collaborated on his third COMPLEX cover, an issue he’d guest-edited, but we’d never, like, hung out. In fact, at that point, we had barely ever talked on the phone, but I think I’d called him to congratulate him earlier in the day. Maybe he just hit me ’cause my number was in his “recent calls.” Who knows. Either way I was surprised."
" Like, they both dropped albums in 2005 without drawing a single comparison. In fact, I remember arguing with Kanye, who I was profiling for a VIBE cover story, during a session for “Heard ’Em Say,” at Grandmaster Recorders, L.A., about The Massacre. VIBE had given it a three and I was defending the lukewarm review. Kanye was adamant that, “Any album with ‘In My Hood’ is a four!!!!”"
_Interesting, the change. I mean it makes sense. I don't know why people get shat on so much for what they said before. Time and life changes_
#kanye #introspection #$top_reads #interesting #interviews #music #toread #pub
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No support yet it seems (universally).
"Stream music from the cloud
Vanilla Mopidy only plays music from your local disk and radio streams. Through extensions, Mopidy can play music from cloud services like Spotify, SoundCloud, and Google Play Music.
With Mopidy's extension support, backends for new music sources can be easily added."
#!TO_TAG_bit #music #aggregated_cloud #aggregating #open_source #python #cross-platform #interesting #unique_spin #personal #pub
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