Public Notes
Post commit allows you to notify several services with a simple and elegant DSL. Five services are supported for now: Basecamp, Campfire, FriendFeed, LightHouse and Twitter. Also can send to any other [arbitrary] url that accepts the POST data even if you need to be authenticated
#interesting #development #commit #sync #post #dsl #push #code #github #opensource #api #ruby #gem #pub
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Pushover: Home
Made by a Hacker News member. He just charges the initial cost of the app, under $5 as a one-time fee and then everything else is free [for now]. As long as you don't abuse, he lets you freely use API and/or use as many pushes as you want. You can pay the $5 for other people via application. Guessing this gives it like normal, so it'll be for whatever platform.
#growl #syncing #push #mobile #iOS #android #notifications #hacker #news #member #$kippt_bookmark_lists #push_notifications #apps #mobile_apps #web_apps #APIs #API_driven #ecosystems #SaaS #pub
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PubNub: Pricing
#push #cloud #SaaS #freemium #websockets #messaging #development #iOS #android #api #realtime #pub
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Plans | Parse
Save data to a cloud backend database, push notifications to users, and more
#SaaS #mobile #Software #development #freemium #push #monthly #pub
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push notifications, in-app purchasing, and subscriptions for mobile apps
#mobile #apps #SaaS #freemium #monthly #development #push #pub
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"GoogleVoiceNotify polls the Google Voice XML pages (, and sends notifications to any number of registered listeners.
At the moment, the Notifier only supports SMS notifications, but adding voicemail, missed calls, etc, is just a matter of writing scrapers for those as well."
_Host locally_
#personal #google_voice #push #notifications #open_source #python #pub
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$30 usb led light with api. Plug into computer and have it blink for what you want
#badass #kickstarter #wish_list #electronics #notifications #push #geeky #pub
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Real-time cloud feed parsing - PubSubHubbub, XMPP
"Realtime Push
Give Superfeedr your feed urls and new entries will be pushed to you, via PubSubHubbub or XMPP PubSub.
No more nightmares with gazillions of formats. Superfeedr will send data in strict ATOM format or JSON, regardless of the original feed format.
Cost Saving
We will match or beat the cost of your existing system. No matter what, you can test Superfeedr for free with the 25,000 free notifications that we granted to your account. Use our simulation tool to assess your monthly cost.
No More Polling
Don't waste your time and resources fetching old data. We implemented PubSubHubbub, RSSCloud, changes.xml and host a very big XML-RPC ping server. We still poll the feeds, as often as every minute for high frequency feeds and we poll each feed at least every 15 minutes so you never get update later than that."
"We want you to try out Superfeedr. We're happy to grant you 25,000 credits for free."
#SaaS #freemium #feeds #pubsub #xmpp #push #automation #RSS #pub
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bemurphy/rushover · GitHub
"Simple ruby client for Pushover"
#ruby #API #libraries #push #Gem #pub
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erniebrodeur/pushover · GitHub
"This gem provides a CLI and an API interface to"
#ruby #API #libraries #push #Gem #pub
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"Pushalot is a platform for receiving custom push notifications to connected devices running Windows Phone or Windows 8. Custom means that those push notifications can be sent from virtually any source, as long as that source can interact with our open REST API."
#push #toast #notifications #APIs #windows_phone #free #unification #$kippt_bookmark_lists #active_development_suspect #push_notifications #services #API_driven #dead? #pub
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Incident Management System for IT Monitoring Tools | PagerDuty
PagerDuty provides alerting, on-call scheduling, escalation policies and incident tracking to increase uptime of your apps, servers, websites and databases.
Their pricing and features have gotten a lot better recently. They were far too pricey and keeping features for only the higher thresholds before.
#devops #startups #alerts #organization #YC_funded #monitoring #paid #SaaS #trial #dev #$IT_management #industry_bigs #incident_management #$AFMA #@to_use #research #push #escalation #on_call #$kippt_bookmark_lists #middle_priced #pub
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Free, but so far only an Android client. I'm guessing can get something going on CLI or something too. But that won't cut it. Supposedly more in development
#push_notifications #%on_github #free #android #active_development_suspect #$kippt_bookmark_lists #services #API_driven #APIs #push #pub
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Notifico is an open-source replacement for the now-defunct service. Notifico receives messages from services and scripts and delivers them to IRC channels.
#$kippt_bookmark_lists #%on_github #active_development_suspect #free #push_notifications #services #API_driven #APIs #push #dead? #web_apps #pub
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Termux:API add-on
#$kippt_bookmark_lists #%on_github #active_development_suspect #android #free #push_notifications #services #API_driven #APIs #push #pub
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#push_notifications #API_driven #APIs #push #extensions #%on_github #free #geeky #neat #ecosystems #pub
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About ntfy — ntfy 2.4.4 documentation
#push_notifications #API_driven #APIs #push #extensions #%on_github #free #geeky #neat #ecosystems #pub
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Prowl - iOS Push Notifications
#best_of #push_notifications #API_driven #APIs #push #extensions #%on_github #free #geeky #neat #iOS #pub
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Choosing a PagerDuty Alternative | VictorOps
#research #devops #push #escalation #on_call #$kippt_bookmark_lists #trial #SaaS #middle_priced #startups #pub
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