Public Notes
Cloud 66 | Code to Cloud in 5 minutes
"Build your own Rails PaaS The easiest way to get your code hosted on your servers. Provision, deploy and manage your Ruby on Rails apps on your cloud or your own servers." $9/month per server. First server free. Supposed to be a cheap alternative to Heroku
#heroku #PaaS #sysadmin #devops #aws #ec2 #freemium #monthly #bootstrap_layout #from:shiori #rails #dev #SaaS #containers #deployment #pub
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Server side rendering for dynamic pages with PhantomJS on Ruby On Rails - Stack Overflow
Answers question of how to have a mostly dynamic site but still get content indexed by Google
#phantomjs #ruby #rails #Google #SEO #javascript #pub
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"JSPkg started with our frustration with finding the best JavaScript projects for the job, as well as with managing the downloadable packages for our own JavaScript projects…
…It hosts the downloadable .zip files for JavaScript projects, with as little effort required as possible. It also tracks the number of downloads for each project to give context to the adoption of the project within the community…
..No. JSPkg does not do source control, only the final packaged product. It's like the Gemcutter of the JavaScript world. In fact, direct Github integration is coming very soon. Then, perhaps Bitbucket, and then who knows…."
#linkbait #minimalistic #rails #pub
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Priit Haamer • Rails 3 Dictionary for Mac OS X
"Rails 3 documentation is finally out for Mac OS X If you're not sure what this is about, please have a look at my previous posts on rather popular Ruby and Rails 2.3 dictionaries. Download your copy of Rails 3 Dictionary here.
Currently it is generated from Rails 3.0.0 beta 3 version. I will post the updates once the new Rails 3 versions roll out."
#rails #docs #ruby #pub
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nixme/jazz_hands · GitHub
#debuggers #rails #Gem #ruby #pry #pub
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Bandit: An A/B Testing Alternative for Rails
bmuller/bandit · GitHub
"Bandit is a multi-armed bandit optimization framework for Rails. It provides an alternative to A/B testing in Rails. For background and a comparison with A/B testing, see the whybandit.rdoc document or the blog post bookmarked right before this"
#ruby #rails #split_testing #pub
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Blue Box - Custom Hosting Solutions for Critical Applications
#PaaS #hosting #rails #hands-on #pricey #devops #pub
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Ruby On Rails and PHP Cloud Hosting PaaS | Managed Rails Development | Engine Yard Platform as a Service
They charge 20% on top of Amazon EC2 prices. Only provide 500 free hours.
#PaaS #trial #IaaS #$AFMA #services #services_to_try #ruby #rails #dev #sysadmin #devops #infrastructure #pub
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#rails #tips #404 #Error_handling #tests #handy #pub
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20 Best Sites Built with Ruby on Rails | Developer Drive
Ruby Weekly: A Free, Weekly Ruby E-mail Newsletter
#references #from:Windows_Phone #news #being_up_to_date #copycopy #dev #newsletters #ideas #aggregation #rails #info #simple #ruby #pub
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deepak/socialite_js · GitHub
"Integrate socialite.js into Ruby on Rails. check}
The javascript source is vendorized in a seperate gem called socialite_js-source Use that if you want the javascript files and want to integrate yourself Doing that will save you from managing the javascript files manually
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'socialite_js'"
#Javascript #gems #ruby #wrappers #social_media #buttons #sharing #rails #pub
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awagener/iwanttolearnruby · GitHub
Manning: Rails 4 in Action
radar/guides · GitHub
rubber/rubber · GitHub
#aws #ec2 #rails #scaling #capistrano #ruby #open_source #web_development #devops #sysadmin #from:Windows_Phone #pub
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inlineblock/teabag · GitHub
"Teabag is a Javascript test runner built on top of Rails. It can run tests in the browser, or headlessly using PhantomJS or with Selenium WebDriver.
It's objective is to be the simplest, while also being the most complete Javascript testing solution for Rails. It takes full advantage of the asset pipeline and ships with support for Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit, and (experiementally) Angular.
Ok, another Javascript test runner, right? Really? Yeah, that's tough, but we're pretty confident Teabag is one of the nicest and most full featured you'll find at the moment. And if you disagree, let us know and we'll probably fix whatever it is that you didn't like.
Feedback, ideas and pull requests are always welcome, or you can hit us up on Twitter @modeset_.
If you'd like to use Teabag with Guard, check out the guard-teabag project."
#github #repos #stars #Javascript #testing #headless #rails #ruby #phantomjs #webdrivers #pub
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#Trakt #ruby #rails #netflix #logging #pub
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WiseCash - CashFlow Forecasting for Freelancers and Small Businesses
#from:Windows_Phone #Rails #pricey #SaaS #indie #monthly #trial #finances #budgets #pub
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Rails 4.0 - MindMeister Mind Map
#interesting #Rails #mind_maps #ruby #rails4 #pub
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Upgrade to Rails 4 - A thorough guide for upgrading your Rails 3 application
#ebooks #paid #Rails #pub
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Rails Upgrade Checklist
#Rails #upgrading #checklists #ideas #linkbait #sexy #copy #open_source #pub
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Speeding up Rails apps by tuning the Ruby GC - Tony's Place
#references #interesting #Rails #ruby #patching #performance #pub
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