Public Notes
performance - Improve Rails loading time - Stack Overflow
#Rails #performance #discussions #pub
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Main product is "Applied Ruby Theory
13 videos
The big one. From Zero to Ruby Hero in 13 episodes - you'll create applications, gems, and learn by doing."
#alternatives #tutorials #paid #pricey #student_pricing #Rails #pub
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"RailsDiff is about what you'd have to change about your app's configuration when upgrading Rails versions, not about what Rails has changed internally.
When upgrading the version of Rails used in an application, it can be difficult to know precisely every detail that should be changed.
Often, just modifying the Rails gem version in your Gemfile and then running bundle update rails seems to work: your tests still pass, application runs like normal, etc. So, you never think twice and go about continuing to develop your application. But, were there other changes that could/should have been made as well? Perhaps, Rails has changed the default value for some configuration settings, or perhaps new configuration settings have been added since your application was generated.
What the Rails application generator creates is specific to the version of Rails it was generated for. So, as new versions of Rails are released, what the application generator creates can change; and, comparing the output of different versions of the generator can give you some understanding of the changes going on in Rails.
So, to that end, I've generated applications for each version of Rails; and, for each version, I've generated a diff between it and all versions before it. You can use these diffs to know precisely every change needed to upgrade to any version of Rails."
#cool #Rails #diffs #ideas #open_source #linkbait #pub
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Pow's .porwrc config file for use with RVM's config files .rvmrc or .ruby-version (+ optional .ruby-gemset)
#Rails #pow #configs #code #Snippets #pub
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#badass #rebels #ruby #Rails #vulnerabilities #issues #funny #pub
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rails/strong_parameters · GitHub
"With this plugin Action Controller parameters are forbidden to be used in Active Model mass assignments until they have been whitelisted. This means you’ll have to make a conscious choice about which attributes to allow for mass updating and thus prevent accidentally exposing that which shouldn’t be exposed.
In addition, parameters can be marked as required and flow through a predefined raise/rescue flow to end up as a 400 Bad Request with no effort."
#Rails #rails4 #gems #security #ruby #code #MVC #pub
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Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking
Rails used to use this for issue tracking until some point during Rails 2 tenure, I think?
#issue_tracking #project_management #pricey #Rails #sexy #SaaS #trial #open_source_pricing #favs #im_a_fanboy #pub
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Make Perfect Work Schedules - Scheduling Employee Scheduling Software
#SaaS #Rails #trial #monthly #B2SB #B2B #pub
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"Prevent database access from the view.
Force loading all data from the controller by raising when the database is accessed from the view. This can help create effective database queries and help avoid SQL N+1 problems."
#Rails #gems #performance #databases #database_queries #@to_use #pub
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Rails Reserved Words | Latheesh Padukana
#Rails #keywords #reserved #references #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #rails #rails4 #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #rails #base #rails4 #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #ruby #rails #bootstrap #gems #sass #bootstrap3 #pub
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#from:Windows_Phone #ruby #rails #bootstrap #gems #sass #pub
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#Gems #scaffolding #haml #Rails #pub
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#Rails #Gems #generators #scaffolding #pub
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#Rails #Gems #generators #scaffolding #pub
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#Rails #Gems #generators #scaffolding #pub
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#Rails #Gems #generators #scaffolding #pub
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"An Open Source Alternative to HipChat and so much more.
Get your own private Chat server in minutes, plus additional features. No credit card required.
A fast, secure and stable solution based on Rails. Free and open-source Distributed under the AGPL License."
"Web Based Client
Our beautiful web client means there's nothing to install client-side. Just login and start chatting with your team
Currently we support the following browsers:
"Live Team Chat
Share ideas, code, and files with your team in real time. Rooms are perfect for individual projects, teams, or entire departments.
Desktop Notifications
Enable desktop notifications for the web client. Works with Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Drag and Drop File Sharing
Share mockups, PDFs, Office docs, and other files for instant feedback. Kandan keeps a complete history so you can access shared files anytime, anywhere."
"Self or Shared Hosting
Kandan can be installed on a number of different service providers rather quickly and easily. Curently supported providers include:
Cloud Foundry
Amazon Web Services"
#Rails #open_source #chatting #chat_rooms #heroku #self-hosted #pub
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Ruby Tapas | Short Screencasts of Gourmet Ruby
"You're a Ruby developer, and you're ready for more. RubyTapas is for the busy Ruby or Rails developer who is ready to reach the next level of code mastery. Short screencasts twice a week will introduce you to a wide variety of intermediate to advanced Ruby concepts and techniques, as well as core Object-Oriented design principles."
#screencasts #paid #monthly #price:$9 #web_development #tutorials #dev #freemium #rails #videos #ruby #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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ShipRise Media
#ebooks #books #Ruby #web_development #development #tutorials #guides #paid #free #freemium #ecommerce #Rails #pub
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RubyTapas Free Monday Episodes | Virtuous Code
"I post free screencasts about intermediate to advanced Ruby topics every Monday. Want more? Subscribe to RubyTapas!"
#screencasts #free #Ruby #Rails #tapas #web_development #tutorials #pub
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Objects on Rails
"This is the complete text of Objects on Rails, a "developer's notebook" documenting some guidelines, techniques, and ideas for applying classic object-oriented thought to Ruby on Rails applications. This book is aimed at the working Rails developer who is looking to grow and evolve Rails projects while keeping them flexible, maintainable, and robust. The focus is on pragmatic solutions which tread a "middle way" between the expedience of the Rails "golden path", and rigid OO purity."
"Enjoying Objects on Rails? Why not take it with you! For $5, you can download DRM-free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle versions of this book, along with the full source code. Click on the big button below to buy now! Or, click here to shop for the Objects on Rails "Sponsor Edition" and other products."
#ebooks #books #freemium #paid #free #Rails #objects #object-oriented #web_development #best_practices #@to_read #pub
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feedbin/feedbin · GitHub
"Feedbin is a web based RSS reader. It provides a user interface for reading and managing feeds as well as a REST-like API for clients to connect to.
The main Feedbin project is a Rails 4.0 application. In addition to the main project there are several other services that provide additional functionality. None of these services are required to get Feedbin running locally, but they all provide important functionality that you would want for a production install."
#$repos_of_bookmarks #open_source #Rails #rails4 #pub
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