Public Notes
Why You Should Be Writing Down Your Goals - Forbes
this is a variant of the study that keeps coming up but no proof of its existence
#false #journalism #no_citations #not_true #research #pub
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Precision Nutrition - Carb controversy: Why low-carb diets have got it all wrong.
Good Poker Players Aren't Lucky - Bloomberg View
Measuring Not Getting the Cloud
Measuring Not Getting the Cloud
Basic Income - HN Search powered by Algolia
BJ Fogg's Behavior Model
Asch conformity experiments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SaaS app to create surveys. Nice looking frontend site in terms of looking like any typical small time SaaS app in every way possible. Also trying to get a list of "polling_apps" $kippt style. This is the first one bookmarked with those tags.
#ideas #copycopy #SaaS #freemium #monthly #simple #B2SB #surveys #web_tools #research #linkbait #polling_apps #$kippt #from #delicious #pub
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code snippets - How do you manage your gists on github? - Stack Overflow
#github #research #organization #gists #snippets #questions_and_answers #references #discussions #!TO_TAG #dev #pub
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Traitorous eight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The traitorous eight are eight men who left Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in 1957. William Shockley had in 1956 recruited a group of young PhD graduates with the goal to develop and produce new semiconductor devices. While Shockley had received a Nobel Prize in Physics and was an experienced researcher and teacher, his managing of the group created harsh working conditions.[note 1] He chose a strategy for circuit design that failed and created an intolerable working atmosphere.[note 2] The group of PhD graduates hired demanded that Shockley be replaced. When their demands were rebuffed, they realized they had to leave.
Shockley described their leaving as a "betrayal". The eight who left Shockley Semiconductor were Julius Blank, Victor Grinich, Jean Hoerni, Eugene Kleiner, Jay Last, Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and Sheldon Roberts. In August 1957 they reached an agreement with Sherman Fairchild and on September 18, 1957 they formed Fairchild Semiconductor. The newly founded Fairchild Semiconductor soon grew into a leader of the semiconductor industry. In 1960 it became an incubator of Silicon Valley, and was directly or indirectly involved in the creation of dozens of corporations such as AMD and Intel.[1] These many spin-off companies came to be known as "Fairchildren"."
#history #boss #tech #silicon_valley #inspirational #foundation #$kippt_bookmark #$hustlers #research #geeky #hobbies #toread #pub
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PayPal Mafia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Closest to modern Traitorous eight. Heh. Cool to know about.
#history #boss #research #tech #hobbies #geeky #silicon_valley #inspirational #foundation #$kippt_bookmark #$hustlers #toread #pub
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Self-Driving Trucks Are Going to Hit Us Like a Human-Driven Truck | Hacker News
200 comments about an article about self driving trucks. Discussions are about tech, future, and automatic cars in general.
#discussions #automatic_vehicles #future #technology #innovation #personal #research #pub
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Supplements Part 1 | BodyRecomposition
#personal #topics #research #$PA_issue_research #!TO_TAG #pub
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LongURL | Expand URL
Safer, more convenient web browsing by revealing the destination of shortened URLs like those of,,, and more.
#work #!TO_TAG #research #pub
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The Mattress Underground - Your best source for information on mattress brands, materials, and choices
#!TO_TAG #information #research #pub
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Not sure what "tag" or phrase can be used to specify what Robtex does. Maybe just whois, general info?
#devops #robust #servers #dns #favs #research #dev #sysadmin #info #security #whois #$IT_management #pub
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Incident Management System for IT Monitoring Tools | PagerDuty
PagerDuty provides alerting, on-call scheduling, escalation policies and incident tracking to increase uptime of your apps, servers, websites and databases.
Their pricing and features have gotten a lot better recently. They were far too pricey and keeping features for only the higher thresholds before.
#devops #startups #alerts #organization #YC_funded #monitoring #paid #SaaS #trial #dev #$IT_management #industry_bigs #incident_management #$AFMA #@to_use #research #push #escalation #on_call #$kippt_bookmark_lists #middle_priced #pub
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SMARTReporter for Mac | MacUpdate
Download, install or update SMARTReporter (Mac) - Hard drive pre-failure warning utility - from MacUpdate
#$caring_for_electronics #research #mac #errands #hard_drives #!TO_TAG #apps #pub
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BJ Fogg, PhD
SaaS & Cloud Apps Marketplace | SaaSMAX
#SaaS #ideas #copy_prob_later #research #lists #filters #!TO_TAG_bit_more #pub
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