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On the Sex Trade | Notion

To incorporate into LMTV

#knowledge #learning #leftism #marxism #sex-work #feminism #leftmediatv

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complainie’s Substack | Substack

#decolonization #leftism #Palestine #leftists #colonialism #content-creators #intersectionality #oct7 #genocide #feminism #streamers #settler-colonialism #patriarchy

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Women, you've gotten off too easy. All we hear is how embarrassing the modern man is. He's either too toxic with his masculinity, or he's too much of a beta cuck. Everyone is confused, and no one knows what they want. I'm here to tell you you're as embarrassing as—maybe more so— than the modern man, but it's not your fault. You didn't have a father, or your parents were oblivious to how to raise kids, so here we are. I'm not afraid to put you in your place. It's high time someone did. In the spirit of what this book has to offer, let's say I'm your new daddy (in a purely platonic, non-sexual way). You were THIS close to becoming a prostitute one way or another, whether via Only Fans or to THE MAN.

I saved you. You're welcome.

#social_dynamics #feminism #K

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#feminism #materialism #leftism #LKR

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The horny teen boy is a very flexible trope in fiction. He can basically be whatever you want him to be. — libs r so bad

#liberals #feminism #sexism

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#intersectionality #women #influencers #vegan #genders #@@K #politics #feminism #they_follow #white

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Liked on YouTube. | Title: #politics #debate #history #feminism #politicalideology. | Description: . | Published at: July 5, 2023 at 09:47PM. #%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Women's rights. | Description: #hasanabi #roevwade #feminism #twitch #womensrights #ally. | Published at: June 27, 2022 at 06:55PM. #%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
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Liked on YouTube. | Title: Conservative TROLLS Liberal Feminists | HasanAbi Reacts. | Description: Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video! Conservative trolls do their best to derail a Vice panel debate on feminism. Do All Feminists Think The Same? | Spectrum: Amy Coney Barrett Puts Women at Risk: HasanAbi's Live Stream: If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact me at: [email protected] #hasanabi #hasanpiker #reacts #twitch #vice #feminism #tiktok. | Published at: January 8, 2023 at 12:49PM. #%via:ifttt #%youtube #bookmarked_on_site #%watched #%consumed
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Lol "The offended at anything, thought police cry racism yet again." #feminism #racism #lol #silly #pub
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"The Sexy Lie, Caroline Heldman at TEDxYouth@SanDiego" Lol at end of post: "cheaphandjob: backsplashingangels: The Sexy Lie, Caroline Heldman at TEDxYouth@SanDiego Preach I literally do that though :c like if I glance down when we’re having sex and I see my stomach has a visible line (from being, you know FOLDED IN HALF) then I have to make a conscious effort to suck my stomach in :/ I definitely spend some time worrying about how I look during sex (is my hair right, does my skin look good, ect) and that takes away from enjoying yourself. We need to learn to let go.. -cylina" #slideshows #feminism #research #self_esteem #ted_talks #pub
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" As a strong, intelligent woman, I plan on getting pregnant tonight just to prove this offensive study wrong." lol #feminism #funny #pub
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Awful awful awful!

"One woman just added a feminist twist to the lyrics of a Drake hit, and it's pretty damn awesome. On Oct. 3, 27-year-old Javetta Laster rewrote the lyrics to "Hotline Bling" in a Facebook post. Her new words give the song, which was originally released this past July and got a much-discussed video full of (not so fresh) dance moves just this week, a distinctively feminist bent. "

Okay so insulting the person is fine ala "not so fresh dance moves". That paragraph is followed by a gif intended to mock the dancing.

And the rewrites arent actually translations as they act like they are, but mostly assumptions that make no sense in the context of this one song....talking about stuff that has nothing to do with this song....why this is getting positive attention while hypocritically putting down the artist..jesus.

"Let's take another look at the two sets of lyrics. From Drake: Why you never alone? Why you always touching road? Used to always stay at home, be a good girl. You was in the zone, yeah. You should just be yourself. Right now, you're someone else.
 And Laster's spot-on "translation": You used to stay at home and be someone I saw fitting into the patriarchal expectations of women to be infantilized good "girls" which is some bizarre father/daughter husband/wife dynamic left over from women being considered adult children & property."

Nothing spot on about that...the entire thing is a bunch of assumptions. And bringing something in that has nothing to do with anything in this context. Patriarchal society!? Seriously... #faux_feminism #feminism #hypocrisy #butthurt #toread #pub
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#feminism #history #CIvil_rights #pub
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SJW_esque because it appears to be a bit sexist and assuming in how genders learn. Clickbaity because come on. #feminism #Eh #weak_article #clickbait #SJW_esque #pub
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