Public Notes
"CSS Hat turns Photoshop layer styles to CSS3. Instantly." "How CSS Hat works? 1. Select Photoshop layer Click on a layer designed with some layer styles. 2. Get CSS3 code Copy to clipboard from CSS Hat plugin. Done. 3. There is no step three Just enjoy your life! What makes CSS Hat so special? CSS Code Instantly In Photoshop Speed up your workflow tremendously. No waiting. We swear. Quick, Easy And Loveable Installation Get your own CSS Hat instantly. It is as easy as falling in love. Support For 3 CSS Preprocessors Choose SASS, LESS or Stylus. We even created a LESS Hat library for you. Customizable Output Is Your Servant Use optional vendor prefixes or dimensions to get the maximum value. Works In Photoshop CS4, CS5 & CS6 CSS Hat saves your time in Photoshop CS4 and newer. Future is in your hands. 2 For 1! Licence Per Person For Mac & Win Use CSS Hat on more devices thanks to a licence per person, not per device."
#photoshop #price:$30 #Windows #Mac #Software #psds #css #conversions #automation #paid #web_design #layers #pub
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Tinderbox: The Tinderbox Way
"The second edition of Mark Bernstein’s The Tinderbox Way is now available as a 375-page eBook in pdf and ePub formats.
The Tinderbox Way explores ways to use Tinderbox and the ideas that guide its design. The second edition has been extensively revised, with changes on nearly every page and about 40% entirely new material – including completely new chapters on agents, actions, time in Tinderbox, and information gardening. Everything has been updated for Tinderbox 5.11"
#tinderbox #ebooks #pricey #price:$30 #productivity #productivity_procrastination #productivity_fun #organization #hardcore #pub
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SQLite Professional - Mac OSX SQLite Management
_The Versions (Mac Subversion app) support of being able to revert to any previously saved state is pretty cool_
"A simple, powerful SQLite manager for Mac OS X"
"BEST AT THE BASICS Table creation, custom queries, auto-complete and inline data filtering. Just some of the basic features you can expect. Whether you want to modify a foreign key, update some data or modify a trigger, we can help you out. HISTORY & FAVOURITE QUERIES Have a query you may want to execute multiple times? Want the results from a query you executed in a previous session? Solve these issues by storing a favourite query or access the list of previously selected queries. EXECUTE MULTIPLE RESULT SETS Need to see the results for multiple tables at once? You can execute multiple queries and have the results for both displayed at the same time. FULL ‘VERSIONS’ SUPPORT Integration with OSX Versions support. Accidentally truncate a table? Revert to any previously saved state!"
#mac #apps #trial #price:$30 #sqlite #sql #managers #development #unique_features #pub
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iPAStore - NO jailbreak needed. Per device, $17/year. Within a month you can change the device UDID (which is how they link your stuff), after that, need to re-pay
It just has apps and some Cydia apps. So it isn't really special in terms of if you are jailbroken, what's the point? Maybe it is friendlier in terms of being one central repo, but not worth paying unless there's no way you can jailbreak and they have access. Like if this is available for iOS 9 and there's no jailbreak nearby for it, then it might be worth it. However, paying $32 for 2 devices. What if I upgrade one? Then another $16...besides a few helpful Cydia stuff (namely f.lux at this point, maybe scrobbling, and external mouse/keyboard stuff if they ever get better/updated for new OSes), you just get Ked apps. And the ones I want could all be bought for like $50. And even my reaching ones would just be another $50. Then I just have to buy the new version every other year roughly. --- price increased to $30/year so not worth it for sure, most likely.
#yearly #subscriptions #iOS #price:$17 #Ked #paid #jailbreak #K #price:$30 #sideloading #pub
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Octohub App
"Better way to organize GitHub Repos & DevsMade for OSX 10.10+
Manage repositories by adding tagsSearch, sort by language, developers, and more
Know more about your favorite developers"
#github #gui #mac #apps #paid #price:$30 #payment_service:gumroad #@want #wish_list #dev #organization #productivity_fun #pub
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Synergy - Mouse and keyboard sharing software
#open_source #cross-platform #desktop_apps #paid #KVM #mouse_keyboard_sharing #$kippt_bookmark #home_page #price:$10 #price:$30 #one_time #pub
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Subscribe to Upcase
30-day, hassle-free money back guarantee
For aspiring senior developers looking for battle-tested best practices, a killer community, and mentorship from the right people.
#screencasts #$kippt_bookmark #ruby #dev #rails #freemium #price:$30 #monthly #communities #tutorials #money_back_guarantee #videos #*nix #iOS #version_control #vim #tmux #javascript #testing #test_driven_development #pub
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Stockfolio | Stock and cryptocurrency investment app for Mac | Increase your investment returns on Mac
#stocks #apps #paid #K #price:$30 #mac_apps #app_stores #portfolios #pub
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All the Templates You Can Download
#$AFMA #price:$30 #monthly #SaaS #maybe #design #frontend #pub
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Freeze - Amazon Glacier File Transfer Client for Mac
No K?
#glacier #aws #mac #GUIs #native_apps #trial #paid #price:$30 #pub
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Day One in Depth — The most detailed guide to Day One available today
#paid #price:$30 #Day_One #courses #guides #no_K #videos #screencasts #my_porn #pub
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Mollie and/or Blake apparently know one of the co-founders. Brown one I think.
#email #startups #apps #beta #waiting_lists #SaaS #recommendations #funded #price:$30 #hyped #email_clients #@@Mollie #paid #pub
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Keyboard Maestro Field Guide | MacSparky Field Guides
Would love this
#paid #price:$30 #mental_boner #productivity_procrastination #automation #gui_automation #pub
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Button Shortcuts | Master Your Software With Your Keyboard
Use your computer programs faster like a pro - through your keyboard. Just double-tap command ⌘ to begin learning hotkeys to accelerate your workflow. Software for Mac and Windows supported. Optimize your digital time with shortcuts.
#price:$30 #keyboard_centric #app_stores #pricey #mac_apps #pub
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