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"Backbone and Ember Picking a client side MVC framework isn't easy, and seeing a trivial Todo app just doesn't show how much these frameworks bring to the table. In this workshop, we'll dive into two popular frameworks: Backbone.js and Ember. We'll cover the features of each framework and dig in with code examples and labs that give you a solid understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each. After completing this workshop, you should be armed to the teeth with the knowledge you need to pick the best framework for your next rich client web app." #paid #monthly #javascript #backbone #ember #courses #videos #lectures #price:$100 #web_development #pub
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From HN comment "Our centralized logging system at Semantics3 ( is built using Logstash+Kibana+Rsyslog+ElasticSearch. Running off a single EC2 large instance it has been been able to seamlessly aggregate and process logs from about 200-300 instances, processing on average of about 15 GB of log data. We hit some performance bottlenecks (particularly with elasticsearch) when our number of instances went beyond the 300 mark. But that should get fixed once we shard and distribute ElasticSearch. Looking forward to some really tight integration between the Logstash, ES and Kibana." from:Windows_Phone B2B SaaS freemium APIs ecommerce pricey monthly #elasticsearch #web_development #development #pub
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"Slow down your internet connection Slowy is a tool which simulates custom connection’s conditions and limits the network traffic to a specified destination port or interface. It is created for web developers, like me, who need to test a website with a real-world connection, even on a local server. Slowy is an OSX MenuBar app, so it is lightweight and is placed only on the system topbar." #Mac #software #price:$5 #web_development #simulations #performance #bandwidth #speed #pub
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"You're a Ruby developer, and you're ready for more. RubyTapas is for the busy Ruby or Rails developer who is ready to reach the next level of code mastery. Short screencasts twice a week will introduce you to a wide variety of intermediate to advanced Ruby concepts and techniques, as well as core Object-Oriented design principles." #screencasts #paid #monthly #price:$9 #web_development #tutorials #dev #freemium #rails #videos #ruby #$kippt_bookmark #pub
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ShipRise Media
#ebooks #books #Ruby #web_development #development #tutorials #guides #paid #free #freemium #ecommerce #Rails #pub
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"I post free screencasts about intermediate to advanced Ruby topics every Monday. Want more? Subscribe to RubyTapas!" #screencasts #free #Ruby #Rails #tapas #web_development #tutorials #pub
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Objects on Rails
"This is the complete text of Objects on Rails, a "developer's notebook" documenting some guidelines, techniques, and ideas for applying classic object-oriented thought to Ruby on Rails applications. This book is aimed at the working Rails developer who is looking to grow and evolve Rails projects while keeping them flexible, maintainable, and robust. The focus is on pragmatic solutions which tread a "middle way" between the expedience of the Rails "golden path", and rigid OO purity." "Enjoying Objects on Rails? Why not take it with you! For $5, you can download DRM-free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle versions of this book, along with the full source code. Click on the big button below to buy now! Or, click here to shop for the Objects on Rails "Sponsor Edition" and other products." #ebooks #books #freemium #paid #free #Rails #objects #object-oriented #web_development #best_practices #@to_read #pub
Show More html9_responsive_boilerstrap_js.
"HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS Oh, your head hasn't exploded yet? This should do it. H9RBS.js (v0.0001) is a flexible, dependency-free, lightweight, device-agnostic, modular, baked-in, component framework MVC library shoelacestrap to help you kickstart your responsive CSS-based app architecture backbone kitch" "Frequently Axed Questions 1. Why did you create H9RBS.js? H9RBS.js isn't your granddad's framework. I think that just about sums it up. Also, it's cross-universe compatible. 2. How do I install this? Um... are you stupid or something? Just attackclone the grit repo pushmerge, then rubygem the lymphnode js shawarma module – and presto! 3. Does this work in IE6 Mobile Blackberry Wi-Fi Commodore64 KitchenAid Caveman extended fingernails toejam 2.0? Yep. 4. Can I install it as a nodegem? It works in RubeGoldberg 2.2 but will not autocompile freeway buttmonkey merge svn commitshare javahunk. 5. Can it app appify my app-friendly iPad appification? Don't worry, be appy. 6. Is it compatible with GridSASS 3.8? Does a bear have regular bowel movements in the cool breeze of a grassy woodland area? 7. This isn't funny. That's not a question. And yes, it is funny." #open_source #funny #geeky #web_development #satire #web_2.0 #jokes #html5 #frontend_development #pub
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Shows a lot of paid things and some focus on Wordpress plugins so you don't have to code which doesn't interest me. But def. not whitehat as it shows things like auto-scraping for blog posts and content spinning. #work #SEO #bluehat #wordpress #automation #web_development #pub
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TrackDuck | Home
Not freemium anymore. Wonder if I signed up before. #web_development #tools #SaaS #visual #screenshots #feedback #task_management #trial #cheap #pub
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"Issue resolved. It was never a programmatic issue. The above DesiredCapabilites and service_args with "driver = webdriver.PhantomJS( desired_capabilities=dcap, service_args=service_args)" works. The problem was with the proxy provider setup. Once the default UA was removed from the proxy server it allowed the DesiredCapabilites to assign the UA." #work #automation #phantomJS #proxies #user_testing #solutions #web_development #webdriver #pub
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User Agent DataBase
Network of sites all doing one main automated task and based around data/databases. Network in footer, including: "User Angent DB - MD5 Crack Database - GAE Zip Server - Calendar Online - Today In History Prime Number - IP Location Database - National Geographic Daily Photo - Phone Location Lookup". A few other sites too. Different network sites vary the links in the footer a bit. #web_development #copy #copycopy #SEO #site_networks #web_tools #$database_network #automated #databases #data_driven #pub
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#SaaS #copycopy #ideas #scraping #web_development #pub
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"THE JAVASCRIPT TO COFFEESCRIPT COMPILER Js2coffee helps you migrate projects to CoffeeScript" #converters #coffee #coffeescript #javascript #web_tools #ideas #copy #copycopy #web_development #from #delicious #pub
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#optimization #web_development #web_tools #performance #frontend #pagespeed #SaaS #from #delicious #pub
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"Ever had to speak to an OAuth 2.0 protected resource for debugging purposes? curl is a nice tool, but it totally lacks helpers for dealing with oauth. curlish comes for the rescue. It is able to remember access tokens for you and inject it into requests. Facebook comes preconfigured so you can start using it right away." #python #open_source #curl #cli #oAuth #web_development #unique #cool #helpful #from #delicious #pub
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